What is CPA Content Locking?

A CPA marketing content locking method can generate significant income using trendy topics and celebrities. By offering premium content behind a survey or action, users can earn money through completed offers. The process involves creating engaging short videos to attract traffic, ultimately leading to increased earnings through free methods.

CPA marketing, especially through content locking, can be a great way to earn some extra cash, especially if you tap into the latest trends and celebrity buzz. The idea is simple: you offer premium content but keep it behind a survey or a certain action, and you earn money when users complete those offers. It’s all about creating engaging short videos that draw in the traffic, which can lead to increased earnings without spending a dime.

Before diving into the steps, let’s quickly understand these two terms:

  • CPA Marketing: You get paid when someone completes an action (like submitting an email, downloading an app, etc.).
  • Content Locking: This is when you restrict access to certain content. To unlock it, users need to complete an offer (e.g., a short survey or sign-up).

Now, let’s get started with the steps to set up your CPA content locking campaign.

Step 1: Pick a CPA Network

You’ll need to sign up with a CPA network that supports content locking. Two popular options are:

  • CPA Grip
  • OG Ads

These platforms allow you to lock content and get paid every time someone completes an action. Registration is easy:

  • Fill in your details (you can skip non-essential fields like "Company").
  • Once signed up, explore the monetization tools and choose the video locker option to lock videos.

Step 2: Find Trending Topics

To get people interested, focus on trendy topics or celebrities that are hot right now. Why? Because people are always curious about what's happening in the celebrity world, especially when it involves drama or awards.

Here are some ideas:

  • Celebrities fighting in public
  • Award-winning moments (like a Grammy or Oscar win)
  • Scandals, like Will Smith’s slap at the Oscars
# Creating YouTube Shorts centered on trending celebrity events can lead to significant traffic and revenue. By leveraging current news and social media, anyone can easily generate content.

Tip: Both positive and negative events work, but controversial or dramatic topics tend to attract more attention.

Step 3: Create a Simple Landing Page

You’ll need a landing page where visitors can view your locked content. A free tool like Google Sites works perfectly. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Create a new page and name it according to your chosen topic (e.g., “Celebrity Fight Video”).
  2. Embed the video you found (e.g., a YouTube video of a celebrity scandal). Use the embed code from YouTube and paste it into your site.
  3. Lock the video by adding the content locker code from CPA Grip. This means visitors will have to complete an action (like a survey) to unlock and view the video.

Step 4: Drive Traffic with YouTube Shorts

To get people to visit your landing page, create short teaser videos and upload them to YouTube as YouTube Shorts. These short videos can be as simple as a 10-15 second clip from the original video with some text over it. Here’s what you do:

  1. Use Canva (a free tool) to trim the main video to create a short, catchy clip.
  2. Add text like “Watch the full video – link in the pinned comment!”
  3. Upload the short to YouTube with a catchy title like “Celebrity Fight – Must Watch!” ( Using tools like Rapid Tags can help you find relevant keywords for your YouTube videos, enhancing discoverability. This can be crucial for attracting viewers to your content. )

Make sure you add the link to your landing page in the pinned comment or description, so viewers know where to go for the full video.

Step 5: Choose the Right Offers

Targeting popular rewards, like gift cards for PayPal or Amazon, can drive better conversions, as these are always in demand.

Here’s how to prioritize the right offers:

  • Go to the offer selection in CPA Grip.
  • Focus on offers that are easy to complete, such as gift card giveaways.
  • Set preferences for mobile offers, as they work better for mobile traffic.
# Mobile traffic is crucial for optimizing offers, especially in tier one countries. Prioritizing mobile-friendly offers can significantly enhance conversion rates and user engagement.

Step 6: Be Consistent and Catch the Trends

The key to making this method work is consistency. Upload multiple videos for each event to increase the chances of one of them going viral. You should also focus on both new and old trends. While fresh news gives you a great chance to go viral, old events (like the Will Smith Oscar moment) are still popular and can pull in steady views.

# Staying active on social media platforms enables you to identify trending topics quickly. This responsiveness can improve your chances of creating successful content that captures audience interest.

Step 7: Monetize and Repeat

Once your video gets enough views, you’ll start seeing the results in your CPA account. The more people complete the offers, the more money you make. You can rinse and repeat this process with any new trending topic or celebrity news.

# Consistency in uploading videos on both new and old topics is important for building an audience. By regularly creating content, you can maintain viewer engagement and potentially increase earnings.

Bonus Tip: Stay Updated on Trends

To stay ahead of the curve, keep an eye on:

  • YouTube: Search for trending celebrity news.
  • Twitter and News: Follow entertainment channels to know what’s buzzing.


This method requires no upfront cost, just some creativity and consistency. By using trendy topics, creating simple landing pages, and locking content behind CPA offers, you can make money while engaging with hot topics. Just remember, it’s all about picking the right trends and being consistent with your uploads.

Give this a try, and with patience, you can start earning money through CPA content locking