Do you want to review a product? But you do not know how to write product reviews. 

Do not worry, In this post, I will tell you how to write product reviews that actually bring traffic and conversion. 

You might have seen a lot of sites where people write about products but you do not see any banner ads.  You always think about how they are making money. 

Well, they review a product and insert an affiliate link by which they earn commissions. Did you notice any links on those sites? 

Surely, if you have paid attention then you might have seen. This is the strategy that pro bloggers use and newbies and average bloggers just rely on banner ads ( like Adsense and others ad networks).

They make enough money from 100 visitors whereas banner ads pay way less.

Now, you must be thinking Should I remove banner ads and place affiliate links. No! Do not do that. 

Before doing that, you need to learn about affiliate marketing and how to write product reviews.

Also, it depends on the niche. If you are into the news then you cannot just write product reviews in between. You must have a blog that is dedicated to one niche or one theme. 

So, Who Should Write Product Reviews?

If you are a Blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Influencer, Copywriter, Freelance Writer, Web Designer, Graphic Designer, etc . then you can write product reviews. 

Because, at some point, you have used the product and would like to share your experience. 

It is not necessary to use that product all the time to write product reviews but you get an idea about the product and get other people's views. 

Then you can make your own points of pros and cons and tell people if the product is worth it or not. 

This will help others to decide when they think about buying a certain product. How often you have searched for mobile reviews before buying a mobile phone. 

Now you are getting it. 

And what is better than you making money by writing product reviews. 

Now, We came to the topic.

What is a Product Review?

I will keep it simple so that newbies would understand it easily. 

A product review is a detailed analysis of a product that tells about its positives and negatives aspects.

 It helps the buyer to understand whether the product fits their needs or not. After reading the review, the buyer gets the clear idea of buying it or not. 

You might have seen customer reviews on amazon or other shopping sites. Do not get confused in Product Reviews and Feedback

When you are writing product reviews then You must know this - Product review is mainly focused on the product solely. It has nothing to do with the seller, packaging, delivery, customer service, etc. 

Whereas Feedback covers product packaging to customer service and overall experience. 

Now, you have an idea about what is a product review. Many bloggers use the product and then write an honest review of that product. 

This way they come with strong evidence that they like the product and recommend it to others. 

Sometimes, product reviews could be negative when you do not like the product then you just tell the others that it is not worth their money. You are helping people to choose the right product. 

The most important part of the product review is the How-to Guide which helps tells how the product works and what are the benefits of that product.

A lot of bloggers read the reviews in detail so that they could understand each and every aspect of that product. This gives them a chance to engage with the audience and generate sales.

Why Does Product Review Matter?

A product review is a detailed analysis of the product which has been used by Someone. He has experience whether it is bad or good. 

There are a lot of people who want to buy that product. But they do not know if the product is good or not. They seek experts' opinions on that product so that you can have an idea about the product.

How many times you have read reviews before buying a mobile or any other product? You want to know what other people think after using that product. 

Their opinion is a review that helps you to decide about the product and whether you want to buy it or not. 

People read several reviews and it is better to write a detailed review so that people can easily understand all the aspects of that product. 

Now, How to write product reviews that actually help people to decide about the product. 

How to Write the Product Reviews?

I know this comes very late but it is worth waiting. If you are an affiliate marketer then this is for you. 

I am telling you all the steps about writing a product review which will help your audience and you as well. 

Choose the Right Product -

This is the first step and you must always remember to pick up the right product. By right product, I mean the Best Product. Before writing a review, you should pick the best product in that industry. 

But this is not the rule of thumb. You can choose any product. 

Then why did I say choose the Best Product? 

You need to know what people want to buy. What product has the best chances to sell out? 

Let's take an example, 

 Create a Summary Box 

Many people do not have time to read the whole product review. So, they just want to check the main highlights of the products. How many times you have seen this on amazon before buying a product. Mostly you rely on this section. 

So, you know the power of this summary box section. This summary box section does two things -

  • Captures Highly Motivated Buyers who look for quick opinions before making the final decision of buying that product.
  • Summarizes the Review which covers the positives and negatives of the product.

Thanks to authority Hacker for this summary box idea.

The ideal summary box has the following elements in it.

  • Product name and its use - Write the name of the product and precisely write its use so that people can easily understand.
  • Product Rating -  includes Value for Money , Support, Effectiveness, etc.
  • Product Pros and Cons - Write pros and cons especially cons so that it does not look biased review.
  • Product Summary - Write a short summary in just 1-2 paragraphs.
  • CTA - Write actionable text.
  • Product Price - Mention the price because many users will decide to buy the product or not based on the price factor. 

Add Personal Experience - 

Have you ever come across a review where the reviewer is just showcasing features of the product instead of providing an opinion about the product. 

Well, if the buyer wants to know about the features, they can get all the information on the seller's website.  

They are not interested in reading fancy features of the product but they want to know Is that product worth their money. 

So, they are expecting an honest review where the reviewer is supposed to tell about the good and bad about the product. 

So, it is better to personally use the product and then review that product. This way you will feel confident while recommending it to others. 

Moreover, successful affiliate marketers never write reviews to sell their products. 

Instead, they use the products first and then write about their personal experience. It does not matter if it is a good experience or a bad experience. 

Once they think it is worth sharing then they recommend that product to their audience. They only share authentic products. 

If you do not like the product then you do not need to write a good review. Just write the bad review pointing out the cons of that product.

This will help other people to choose the better product. So, adding personal experience about the product will help you gain the trust of the audience and help them in choosing good products.

So, to get the products you need to invest money in them. But sometimes, if you contact the product owner, they might provide you a trial copy to review their product. 

You cannot review the product without using them. So, you need to invest some money so that you can actually experience the product.

Also, you need to find relevant products so that you can recommend your audience. If it is not relevant then nobody would buy it.

Share your experience - Always remain unbiased while reviewing a product because your main motive is to gain the trust of your audience. You just cannot write a review just to earn commissions. 

So, share your experience by mentioning the pros and cons of the product. Write what you liked about the product and also add what you do not like about the product.

Do not Focus on Selling the Product 

Most of the newbie affiliate marketers are just focused on selling the product. They just want more sales and do not pay attention to honest reviews. They just place links multiple times like Buy it now, Limited time offer, etc. 

Do not do this. The buyer is seeking your opinion and if the buyer gets satisfied then he will definitely buy the product. You do not have to advertise the product with your affiliate link.